San Sebastian del Oeste
This past weekend Lucy, Sam and I took a short trip up to San Sebastian, a little town up in the Sierra Madre to the west of Puerto Vallarta. Lucy is a young British girl who is house sitting close by. Her brother Sam has been visiting this month. Larry stayed at home to supervise roof repairs. I can't wait to share San Sebastian with him sometime in the next few weeks!
It was wonderful getting out of the hot muggies and into the crisp, dry mountain sunshine. Just after sunset, the mist started pouring down the mountain side. Sleeping overnight in those big thick walls of the Hotel Pabellon, I was looking for an extra blankie in the early morning.
The courtyard of the hotel is in the photo to the left. A family from Guadalajara just bought it and they're really spiffing it up. It's an attitude and activity I saw all over the town.
The courtyard of the hotel is in the photo to the left. A family from Guadalajara just bought it and they're really spiffing it up. It's an attitude and activity I saw all over the town.
We had the best Italian meal ever at a place called Minas Real. It's run by Coco -- who was born in the house where the restaurant is located, and her husband Walter, an authentic Italian who makes his own pasta, bakes his own bread and serves it all with wonderful sauces. I had mushroom ravioli with pesto sauce. The pizza, ordered by Sam, was superb, as well. Thin, crispy, baked in a wood-fired oven. And there was tira misu for dessert!
I posted an album under Susan's Photo Albums. It should give you a taste of the completely different landscape and atmosphere that lie just under two hours away from us. I did leave out quite a bit, including a whole series taken at a brand new tiny little tequila distillery near that phenomenal bridge at the front of the album. The couple who run it are so sweet -- and very generous sharing their extremely clean public restrooms.
I took a lot of shots of the Hacienda Jalisco, a bed and breakfast/museum just outside of San Sebastian. And Lucy and Sam and I were intrigued by La Galerita, but weren't able to find anybody home.
The new road has only been open just under two years. You can see remnants of the old one that snaked to the bottom of a canyon and then back up again. That beautiful bridge has shaved about two or three hours off the trip! That's if you could make it at all. The road was often closed in the rainy season. San Sebastian may have another boom time ahead of it! But, shush! Don't let anybody know.
I am glad you finally got there! Wasn't it great and so quiet? Luke and I hiked up to La Bufa on a death march when we were there....
We DROVE to La Bufa -- and then like idiots thought we'd drive to Mascota via the back road. (We'd seen a sign and arrow pointing that way) Got REALLY lost and ended up at a dead end talking to Mexican version of the guys from Deliverance. Retraced our "steps" and returned to San Sebastian.
As far as our "finally" making there, met a couple up there who has lived in Sayulita for 28 years, and this was their first time! Unbelievable! Larry and I are going to make a day trip of it with Kody this coming Sunday. MAY spend the night, depending on what we get involved in and whether some place with take a "mascota" as a guest. Maybe in Mascota??!!
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