Friday, August 10, 2007

Happy, Happy, Happy

THIS is what Happy, Texas, looks like, coming from Lubbock, headed north to Amarillo. Not exactly the terrain you see in the movie Happy, Texas -- which, by the way is a really funny movie, despite its geographical errors.

Back when I was a kid working for my dad, I remember addressing correspondence to "Happy Gin." We're talking cotton gin, but I thought it was a hoot of a name. Made me grin yesterday when Larry and I went with motorcycle seller Mitchell to the Happy State Bank, so Mitchell could pay off his loan and give us title to Larry's new Harley.

So THIS is Larry happy, happy, happy once again.

1 comment:

susie said...

Why is it that the feel of crome & leather between a man's legs puts the cutest smile on his face? Have fun Larry.... and be safe!