Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Support for Mexico - Amazing Race

Here's an email I received today. Thought it worth posting here and getting the word out.

Hi; unless you've been living under a rock, you know Mexico needs a tourism boost. In PV, alone, hotels are down 90%, we all know friends and neighbors who are struggling to stay employed or keep their businesses going. So Mexico has a chance to be chosen as a site for Amazing Race on TV which would bring a much needed positive PR shot in the arm to this country.

Go directly to the Amazing Race site and vote:

Non-Spanish speakers - When you get to the Amazing Race sight, it's in Spanish - just look for where it says "Encuesta" (survey), vote for Mexico , then click "Votar"...easy!
Send this to everyone you know who is a fan of Mexico and let's help get Mexico back on it's feet!!!

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